Category: obvious stuff

  • 3 rules for effective communication

    3 rules to express your thoughts so everyone understands Monday, December 5, 2022 5:31 PM 1. Make no more than three points The human brain can only store so much information in short-term memory. The oft-repeated number is seven items (or chunks). That number comes from research in the 1950s and has been reinforced…

  • The Self Awareness Onion

    The Self-Awareness Onion Self-awareness is like an onion. There are multiple layers to it, and the more you peel them back, the more likely you’re going to start crying at inappropriate times. Let’s say the first layer of the self-awareness onion is a simple understanding of one’s emotions. “This is when I feel happy.” “This…

  • Trade Tools ii

    Strategic Tool Key Takeaway(s) Symbolic Color Symbolic Animal Jobs to Be Done (JTBD) Framework Focus on the underlying customer needs and “jobs” your services fulfill. Blue (clarity) Beaver (industrious) Design Thinking Emphasize empathy and innovation to create user-centric solutions. Yellow (optimism) Dolphin (intelligence, sociability) Digital Transformation Framework Integrate digital technology to fundamentally change operations and…

  • Trade Tools

    PROBLEM SOLVING TEMPLATES AND TOOLS: What is the core problem or opportunity? If it’s broad and involves external and internal factors, consider SWOT Analysis, PESTLE Analysis, or MOST Analysis. If it’s specific to a process or function, look at Root Cause Analysis (RCA) or Fishbone Diagram. What are the primary objectives in addressing this problem?…

  • The Beginning

    4848 Stuff: Equal opportunities. Be adaptable.  Solve problems in good faith. When we disagree on the nature of the problem, we begin by finding common ground. We should respect each other, and never demonize / dehumanize each other. Everyone should follow the Golden Rule. Manners and respect always help, but ultimately optional.  Who profits? Goals:…

  • Pre-launch


    3…2…1… 🔥 Hypothesis: It is not difficult to find significance and meaning when you look for it.  This is the start of something big. Whomst else hears this call from the future’s history? “A Count of Crows.” COR = 36 VUS = 62 C=3 (48, 12, 3) CO=18 COR=62 CORV=58 CORVU=79 CORVUS=98 No amount of…

  • Post 2.0

    The scope of is an honest assessment of facts and knowledge. The hope is to build a community focused to comprehend latent truth in good faith. Let us begin.

  • First post

    This is the first post.